Staking PNG

Stake & Earn PNG

Single Staking without IL risks

Started as an Avalanche Rush incentive program, all WAVAX rewards have been claimed and the reward token is now PNG. While you stake your PNG, you earn PNG or other tokens without the risk of impermanent loss.

You can deposit/withdraw your PNG at any given time without a lockup period.

Make sure your Wallet is connected to Pangolin and you hold PNG tokens.

  1. Go to and click on "Stake".

  2. Click on "Approve", "Sign" with your Web3 wallet, enter the amount and click on "Stake".

    Approve with wallet
    Enter amount and confirm
  3. Confirm in your Web3 wallet. Done.

    Waiting for confirmation
    Successfully staked PNG

Claim PNG rewards

  1. To collect your rewards, click on "Claim" to view unclaimed PNG and again click on "Claim".

    Button now shows Claim
    Check unclaimed rewards and claim
    Waiting for confirmation
    Successfully claimed rewards

Congratulations, you've successfully claimed your PNG rewards.

Unstake PNG

  1. Click on "SEE DETAILS" to open the details page.

  2. On the bottom-right of the pop-up, click on "Unstake" in the Earned widget.

  3. Click on "Withdraw & Claim". Confirm in Web3 wallet. Done.

    Breakdown of your staked PNG
    Waiting for confirmation
    Successfully unstaked PNG

Congratulations, you've successfully withdrawn your staked PNG.

Note: Withdrawing your staked PNG also claims remaining rewards.

Last updated